Eating at Home and Maintaining a Healthy Diet

For most people, their kitchen is the home base of their home. It is where they spend most of their time and it also happens to be where they keep most of their household chores. It would be fair to say that for most people a kitchen is a hall of neighbors. This results in a general lack of diversity in the types of foods that people prepare and eat. A combination of traditional air-tight soaps, stains, cheap vegetable oils, and sweet baked treats seem to cover the kitchen wall.

Solution: A home cupboard is a place that is a constant eyes ball for many people. It is where family and friends gather to enjoy food together and to also seek solace in a stressful time of day. It is the center of many playdates and it is the place where childhood friends visit. The cupboard is the haunt of many a childhood excursion. The contents of the cupboard change from time to time but what really matters most is the wastebaskets that line the walls. These are the contents of which neighborhood scavengers have made their way to the kitchen each week looking for the next bargain in a pot or pan.

Solution: This is the perfect room for a scavenger to temporarily live in. There are no rules or resolutions, no set rules of behavior, only the things that need to be immutable. The key is to have the space to create your own rules as opposed to someone else’s. Remember that you are responsible for what goes on in the kitchen. The same people that look at the pot when it is on the counter will be the ones that are going to use it.

Exercise: The number one priority of a scavenger is to get exercise. Walking around the block at two and two are a few examples of simple exercises that are beneficial. Do not overdo it, keep it simple and keep moving.

Exercise and Hydration: Another simple thing that can be done in the kitchen with little time and minimal complications. You see two important things from this paragraph. The first is that you are going to drink water every fifteen minutes or so. And the second important thing that you need to do is to stay hydrated with water. Your body functions on water. H2O is the lifeblood of your body. Food is primarily water. Simple chemical reactions occur inside the body that uses or depend on water. Water is the valve that keeps the body functioning. If the water levels are too low you will feel fatigued and out of sorts. If the water is too high you will get sick. Water is the greatest healing medicine you can give your body.

Now that you have Paracelsus clearly defines the role of the balanced kitchen staff, let us look at how we can apply this healthy balanced diet.

Eating more fruits and vegetables is a great way to start. Paracelsus lists twenty-odd fruits and vegetables that are beneficial to healthy kitchen staff. You can make Paracelsus apple sauce, Paracelsus juice, a combination of vegetables to make a dressing, or a light appetizer. All of these chef’s skills combined can make a simple dish quickly a center of the table.

Adding more Omega-3 fatty fish into your diet twice a week is another healthy step. Omega-3 fatty fish is another nutrient that happens to make your brain function better and more clearly. These are anti-inflammatory and a healthy diet will promote a healthy inflammation from these healthy fish. Inflammation is responsible for a host of physical ailments from arthritis to diabetes. The least expensive and easiest way to get a steady diet of Omega-3 fatty fish is a supplement.

Protein can make a great snack or side dish. Nutritional times three. Grilling is the best method to cook potatoes. One can sauté vegetables on the grill or whip up a light marinade before adding the potatoes. By versatility, I mean that you are able to easily throw in some spice cravings and provide the nutrition you need. Some other quick easy cooking ideas are stir-frying. I love grilling bell peppers and onions; they are a great side dish on the go. Adding some spice makes a great substitute for unhealthy oil.

Make sure that you lean towards more of a vegetarian-style diet. The way you prepare the foods will give you the nutrients of meat. You will be saving money by cooking at home and not going out to eat every night. Many of the health problems associated with a meat-heavy diet are related to the lifetime nutrient drain of the body. You will learn to eat better and to prepare more foods that are not loaded with carbohydrates and fats but will instead offer more protein, carbohydrates, and fiber.

Healthy cooking does not have to be a daunting task. You will become more organized and better able to dish up nutritious meals in no time.

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